I am only as strong as one person can be;
There are many flaws that you can’t see in me.
I am weak, but still am strong;
When I feel that I don’t belong.
I am conservative yet unique;
You just need to get to know me and let me speak.
I am sassy and yet still bold;
Just let my personality outreach and explode.
I am smart as well as dumb;
We all have our outrageous moments of unexpected fun.
I am caring and connected;
Loves to help when others feel neglected.
I am up and I am down;
Yet rarely seen holding a frown.
I am artistic and a bit playful;
Don’t boar me with your academics there distasteful.
I am gracious as well as polite;
To do good is to do what you know is right.
I’m not black nor am I white;
A bit of colored contrast like day verses night.
I am a wonder to myself;
I am just me, so please let me be.

KaSandra L. Clark.