Thursday, April 23, 2015

More Than Just a Little Lemonade

 The greatest problem in America today is not so much the presence of darkness as it is the absence of light. #faith 

While eating lunch this past Sunday afternoon, a little girl from our street knocked on my door selling homemade lemonade. My first reaction was "Wow...her parents let her do that?"

"While door-to-door solicitation is a big confidence builder for children, it causes potential risks for child safety, even within the confines of your own neighborhood.”  National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Then I took a second and remembered how much I walked my Round Rock neighborhood growing up doing the exact same thing. Going door to door to "sell them" on my babysitting and pet sitting business, face painting booths, magazines for my kickball team, crafts I had name it..I tried to sell it:) This is something that as a child and young adult that I LOVED to do. I really looked forward to my afternoons walking the neighborhood, meeting new people and trying to convince them to buy something from me :) 

Fast forward to 2015 and it is obvious our world has become so misguided that it's such a rare occasion that you see this sort of thing now a days. I mean this had to have been the 2nd ever a young'n knocked on our door to sell something or raise money for something. It really saddened me when I thought about it. Would I be the female entrepreneur that I am today? Would I have the same want and drive to grow and develop a small business and then some? Although it sounds corny, I believe this small part of my life helped mold me into the business woman and entrepreneur I am today. 
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) 

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